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ESG Report - November 2021
ESG Report - November 2021
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$ 1,000.00   

Societe's first ESG report is available for purchase and covers the current state of established ESG standards, regulations and ratings. The price per digital copy is $1,000.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Definition of ESG

1) What is ESG?

2) Why ESG?

3) What is Driving the Growth of ESG?

4) What Do “E”, “S”, and “G” Mean Respectively?

3 ESG/Sustainability Standards

1) Standard Setting Organizations

2) ESG/Sustainability Reporting

4 Measuring ESG/Sustainability Performance

1) ESG/Sustainability Ratings and Data Providers

2) Implications of Ratings on Corporate ESG Performance

3) Awards for Distinction in ESG/Sustainability Performance

5 Implications for Companies

1) Why ESG Scores and Ratings Matter

2) Evidence on Benefits of Better ESG Performance

3) Recommendations for Companies

6 Conclusion

(Total page count: 47)

Total Cost:  
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